Dreaming about Cillian

Have you had a dream about someone famous, someone you’ve never met? I do all the time, ALL THE TIME! If I watch a movie, series, interview or read an article before bed about someone I some times dream about them. In our dreams, we can be whoever we want and we can do whatever we want, it’s a whole new world ❤ Well last night I watched some Inception interviews in bed and after that, I dreamt about Cillian Murphy. Ohhh baby those eyes.. They are doing things to me 💙

Top 10 most played songs on my Ipod.

1st Place with 405 plays ”Sunset Waltz” by Yoko Shimomura, from Final Fantasy XV. This melody is a time machine to my childhood. When I listen to it I get transported in an instant. LOVE IT!!!

2nd Place with 189 plays ”Inner Light” by Michael Salvatori, from Destiny 2. That summer day, I logged to try the Destiny 2 BETA and this track greeted me I fell in love.

3rd Place with 167 plays ”Trashed Crest” by Ludwig Göransson, from The Mandalorian. The Mandalorian season 1 soundtrack is fucking amazing through and through, but this one stuck with me. A bit melancholic, a bit optimistic, gentle mmm ❤

4th Place with 165 plays ”Ragnarok Suite” by Mark Mothersbaugh, from Thor Ragnarok. It’s SciFi, it’s synthwave, it’s colorful, it’s mythical and EPIC.

5th Place with 139 plays ”Convergence Pt 1” by Michael Salvatori (I think..). This tune gets me all warmed up, when I listen to it I think of pyramids, ancient times, but also SciFi mixed in it, Osiris traveling through the Infinite Forset and exploring the many possible futures of humanity.

6th Place with 110 plays ”A Thief’s End” by Henry Jackman. Pirates, adventure, lost treasures, danger, Nate and Sam Drake ❤ This one on REPEAT ALWAYS! What an opening to a game.

7th Place with 98 plays ”Kids” by Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein. Everyone who watched ”Stranger Things” will immediately know this one. I’m a sucker for some good synths what can I say ❤ Childhood in a melody

7th Place with 98 plays ( YES! We have a tie) ”Cornfield Chase” by Hans Zimmer. If you follow this blog you know my love for ”Interstellar”. It’s my favorite movie of all time (tie with A New Hope and Empire). Hans Zimmer is a genius, everything he does is a masterpiece. This piece starts really low you can almost hear it and it grows and grows, I get chills every time ❤

8th Place with 79 plays ”Jedha Arrival” by Michael Giacchino. OMG I don’t know how this one is not on 1st plays. Just know that Michael has little to NO TIME, I think it was a month, A FUCKING MONTH to finish the soundtrack to “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”. It’s just as good as John Williams and you can’t deny it. This music, this MOVIE, so many emotions ❤

8th Place with 79 plays (ANOTHER TIE) ”Rey’s Theme”  by the MAN, THE MYTH, THE LEGEND John Williams! This one is gentle, pure, it’s REY if she is music. You can feel her struggles, you can feel her hope ❤

9th Place with 50 plays ”Memories of Mother” by Bear McCreary. Right in the FEELS with this one, this music starts with an emotional scene in the first five/ten minutes of ”GOD OF WAR”. The whole soundtrack to the game is an amazing piece after another and I can listen to it, all day, every day. But this one gives me the chills, probably because of THAT scene.

10th Place with 43 plays ”Game of Thrones Theme” by Ramin Djawadi. This is my guilty pleasure, so yeah I don’t care I will listen to it on repeat if I want 😀 THE NORTH REMEMBERS!

2019, oh boy. Part 2

Here WE GO the second part of the disaster.
Summertime sadness
Beautiful and calm on the surface, broken on the inside
My summer in one picture

It’s Filthy Frank
Look UP

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
Toshiro Mifune was such a hottie

Dreaming about Harrington
Koji looks like he is in Blade Runner. EPIC
I love Pineapples
The Dark Crystal

One for the good old days

Aurum Effects are making some amazing props. This guy is making me feel things.
Well yeah, purple, again
Catwoman is so HOT

Dani took this, just WOW
I know
Magic Mushrooms
Joaquin ❤
Channeling my inner witch
Can you see me?
The name’s Higgs. The particle of God that permeates all existence.
And now it’s time for Number 6
Sinner or Saint
Hayden Christensen is a FOREVER CRUSH
The Truth About The Death Stranding
I miss Cayde-6
Dark lips, dirty minds
Because sometimes I’m a thirsty BITCH
Goodbye Friend
Save Me
I found Valhalla Rising OST up there. Nice one Kojima
Northern girl with a Dornish crush
Kavinsky- Night Call on REPEAT




2019, oh boy. Part 1

People are in hard spots every day, living on the streets, illnesses, being ignored by society, and I hurt for them.
Last year what I learned is that your brain can fuck you up, it will mess with you and make you feel worthless. It can make you feel like a ghost, just a shell, breaking into tears and panic attacks, but in the end, you get strong and get through it.
So future Iva (and everyone else) if you are reading this and you are hurt, you are alone and you think that this is it, just wait. Please wait, it will get better, and I know that it feels like the world is ending but please… just wait it out.
And on the more bright side some photos I took (and some I grabbed from other places) in 2019, some that moved me, broke me, made me FEEL.
Starting the New Year the right way.
Obsessed with Jeffree.
Thank you, Bungie! I’m a Dredgen now.
This asshole. You stay in 2019.
THIS DATE! Made in Blue is one of my favorite restaurants in Sofia.
I was in love.
Started watching ”LOST” again.
Robot Love
I want THIS!THIS! Someone as passionate as me. No boundaries, no unspoken words, and thoughts. JUST US.
Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi are my heroes.
I cried.
From Linda
I can spend hundreds.
I had so much fun in Camden Town.
Star Wars obsessed since I can remember.
At Cyberdog, the coolest shop in London.
Star Man is forever in my heart.
The Shard
Loving Pablo
One small step
Pink and Blue love
From Dani ❤
Everywhere I go I see hearts
Cursed painting at the flea market.
What is Love for you?
Lil Bub RIP
Chrome girls
This is it. This is how it ends
But then the world keeps on living and you too
High King
My guiding moonlight.
Days Gone
Depressed, but looking pretty
Late-night walks
Cut to black
I am the May Queen
I’m not really into selfies, but fuck it
Mine too
I see hearts everywhere
Dark Souls 3 crushed me
CQC and Chill?
Two in ONE
Purple ❤
Friends forever!
Carbonara love
Heartbreaking… Tears in the rain



Well, how do you start something that you stopped doing around 2 years ago.. How do you send a message to someone you haven’t talked to in years? How do you go back to where you were years ago. I don’t know. I’m not gonna bullshit myself that I will be posting regularly, because I know I won’t. But when I can I will. This blog was my way of showing my feelings, documenting things I liked, things that moved me in a way.  Let’s see where this goes is all I will say.

Memories of Mother

You have to come back.. You left me here alone.. Alone with him
He always leaves, he’s never here
He doesn’t want me and he never will

I don’t know him and he doesn’t know me. Doesn’t seem to want to
I’m strong, I’m smart. I’m not what he thinks I am. I know better..

He doesn’t talk to me, doesn’t teach me
It shoulda been him. Do you hear me? HIM! Not you..

Except.. I don’t mean that.. You know I love him
I just wish he was better. I know he can be
So if he tries I’ll try, but if he doesn’t.. Please come back
I know you are out there somewhere.