Memories of Mother

You have to come back.. You left me here alone.. Alone with him
He always leaves, he’s never here
He doesn’t want me and he never will

I don’t know him and he doesn’t know me. Doesn’t seem to want to
I’m strong, I’m smart. I’m not what he thinks I am. I know better..

He doesn’t talk to me, doesn’t teach me
It shoulda been him. Do you hear me? HIM! Not you..

Except.. I don’t mean that.. You know I love him
I just wish he was better. I know he can be
So if he tries I’ll try, but if he doesn’t.. Please come back
I know you are out there somewhere.

Those who play

We are Homo Ludens (Those who play).

From the moment we enter this world, we instinctively invent ways to have “fun,” and share our inventions with those around us. We are not asked to do this, nor do we need reasons to create. It is simply who we are.

We find one another and compete with one another. We laugh together and cry together; all while playing together. Our experiences bind us and liberate us. To share our most valuable experiences, we create stories, invent tools, and evolve the art of play. Play has been our ally since the dawn of civilization.

“Playing” is not simply a pastime, it is the primordial basis of imagination and creation. Truth be told, Homo Ludens (Those who Play) are simultaneously Homo Faber (Those who Create).

Even if the earth were stripped of life and reduced to a barren wasteland, our imagination and desire to create would survive–beyond survival, it would provide hope that flowers may one day bloom again. Through the invention of play, our new evolution awaits.

Kojima Productions — We are Homo Ludens. We are those who play.

Hideo Kojima

Do not be afraid and hide the things you like.It makes you who you are.

” My generation was in reality the last of it’s kind before the internet allowed all life to blossom (good & bad).
An internal battle of who and what I was supposed to be. I acted out with violence and sinned severely with my suppressed fascination of beauty since I was young. Fights and regretful nights, ego and sorrow. I have since learned to enjoy all things without embarrassment.
Life is too short to be afraid of liking any and everything you’ve a passion for. Don’t be scared anymore. What you believe is weird and shunned, there is a world of people with the same interests that hasn’t come into your life “yet”.
Your time here isn’t really that long. Start breathing and do it all. ”