Day 26. A movie that disappointed you the most


Ok,just hear me out. I’m a BIG BIG Alien fan,Big Ridley Scott fan, I love his movies, I love the team he works with, but when I went to see Prometheus for the first time I expected an Alien movie. And Prometheus was not, I was furious when the movie ended. I was talking with my best friend ” WHAT THE HELL IS RIDLEY THINKING?!?”. An year passed and I watched ”Prometheus” again, thinking I will see this movie as it is,I’m not going to tie it to a franchise, I will not thinking of it as a prequel, just gonna watch it and enjoy. And you know what I loved it! I loved it so much that the past couple of years I think I’ve watched it more than 20 times. I was disappointed at first,not appreciating the movie,not giving it enough credit. I saw ”The Furious Gods: Making Prometheus” recently and I suggest it to everyone, watch it, it’s over 3 hours but it is WORTH IT. I’m glad that there are people nowadays that don’t use CGI for everything and the practical effects still live, and hopefully will live on 🙂