Ivi’s rate a game challenge.

Good Morning from yours truly Iv!
Today I woke up with a thought , that was lingering in my mind for some time. Couple of nights ago I had a talk with a good friend of mine , she said to me : ” Iv, can you rate for me the games you have played. Give them score etc.? ”
And then we start a very long talk, which ended in the early hours of the next day. Since then I’m thinking about making a post here on my blog about it.
So here it is! The first post of My ” Rate a game challenge
The categories I will choose to help me rate the games will be :
1. Gameplay /10 – How the game plays, how good the controls are, the difficulty of the game. And of course the story.
2. Presentation /5 – Graphics, layout, sound, music, overall look of the game.
3. Enjoyment /5 – The feeling the game give you, while you play it and after.
There will be bonus point awarded to the games :
Is Troy Baker in it? ( 5 points awarded)
Did Hideo Kojima made it? ( 5 points awarded)
I’m doing this purely for my own pleasure 🙂

One photo every hour. Friday.

S08105299am.Morning coffee like a true Diamond Dog.
S085054610am. Breakfast with Jack.
S088055611am. Chilling at my cousin’s place.
output_spetE312pm. The Last of Us before work.
S00205841pm. Alien boyfriends.
IMG_z8pP0118bn02pm. Sunny but cold.
IMG_w_V5Y118bi33pm. Off to work.
S00405974pm. My kind of Friday.
S0050599 5pm. Vakarian art.
S00606006pm. Ready to party.
S00806087pm. Uni.
S0100617 8pm. Don’t fuck… Weed us!!
9pm. Ready for a bath.
S014064010pm. Tuco, Danny and the mighty beards.
S016065811pm. And we found DD.
S017066812am. We are ready for a little Ultraviolence.
Wanting to take a shot of Boyan, but I guess I was too wasted.S02107022am. Dorothy.
S0230713 3am. I cutted Borko’s head off the photo. Sorry 😦
S0270733 S0280740 4am. On the way home.
Friday was good.